Beautiful day at Indian Creek. Enjoying our new guns from Washington & St Charles gun shows.
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Here is an easy and valuable lesson for anyone new to crypto, knowing the difference between a famous content creator on YouTube and the numerous scammers who try to steal your crypto. ✔️
They called me a seditionist and I never looked back. If those pedos and Commies are the new America, I refuse to claim allegiance to your kind. And since I’m now a seditionist, and your enemy, why the fuck would you expect me to pay taxes to benefit your side in this war you created? Nah bitch, you owe me a refund because fuck telling you the t…Read More
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So, gas prises up 1.05 around here just weeks after Biden killed the XL pipeline.
When Obummer was in office locally gasoline was over 5.00 per gal & propane was over 6.00 a gallon. 100 gal of propane was over one hundred dollars! Companies would only deliver 100 gal per delivery, no more deliveries until account was pain in full. A lot of people were without heat, some were able to heat with wood. biden will be no different.…Read More
Attention Kamala Harris: The Colorado shooter was NOT a MAGA Trump supporter. The shooter was a Syrian Trump hater and known sympathizer of ISIS,
https://abcnews.go.com/US/active-shooter-reported-grocery-store-colorado-boulder-police/story?id=4 Comments-
I thought they were “Adults Buying Children” channel with all the pedos and pervs they pay and protect. 😂
That too. ABC, NBC, CBS, Disney, Netflix, Amazon, etc. etc. all Godless, Communist orgs. intent on destroying America as we know it. Today: Biden ” We can ban assault weapons'” Kammy Harris niece: ” I assume the shooter was white:” And on and on day after day gaslighting the country. What we see we don’t see and what we hear we don’t hear. IS IT…Read More
My granddaughter [9 yrs old] will be in her first Jiu-Jitsus tourney next month. Another super spreading event I will attend. hahahahha
ABC took down their own article on the Colorado shooter as soon as it did not fit their agenda,
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I told my parents to avoid it. Didn’t listen. My mom had a bels palsy attack immediately after both rounds of the shot. #poison
They did alright…STOLE THE ELECTION [Commies]
Even Kammy’s daddy doesn’t like her.7 Comments-
When her own family says she is a liar and a fraud we should believe it. Low IQ is a danger when holding high office…even though she is not actually elected to the office.
You think the RNC will understand how pissed at them I am? Doubt it, but I left a love letter inside, didn’t fill out the survey either.
So, an ISIS sympathizer, ANTI-TRUMP NUT, shoots up a Boulder Colo. supermarket, killing a cop among others [ shoppers] and Biden jumps straight to stupid calling for IMMEDIATE gun control measures. F
that. This guy was a terrorist, not American and the very reason we need to arm up, not arm down.
Biden’s [ regime] is doing everything it can…Read More6 Comments-
DC still looks like a fascist takeover war zone. I think even the traitors are surprised they’re not breathing and eating through a straw…… yet.
Yes, Biden now tying terrorists to white extremists [you and I] to EVERY gun crime now on us. Such gaslighting Commies!!
Ironically I look white, but I’m actually majority not white. I got hate for being Arab in high school, now I get hate for being a cracker. Lmao. The correct derogatory slur I prefer is “Sand Cracker” like a Ritz or Saltine but tougher, and sprinkled with dirt instead. Much more salty and full of grit. Lol
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It was a perfect day for some target practice.