He discusses further liquid crystals entering the brain through vaccines and this was back in the 90s!3 Comments-
Immediately. Thats why its been theorized that if the spike enters the blood stream it will adhere to the platelets of your blood stream and cause your blood cells to clump up hence the clotting issue and why some die right away and others dont because the shot doesn’t always make it into the blood. Thats not exactly the most important question to ask what other secret things and biological backdoors have the manufacturers put into these shots that arent on the ingredients list? The video linked here went through a possible way to literally zombify the population possibly through 5g. Terrifying!
Indefinitely… is what I’m concerned with, it reminds me of the grey goo scenario https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_goo
How long does this vaccine continue to have the host’s own body produce these prion proteins?